Sunday, February 22, 2009


This back pack belongs to a first grader who attends private school in Bacolod. The students must buy their own books and CARRY them or WHEEL them to school each and every day. They do not leave any of their school supplies in the classroom. In many cases the book bag weighs more than the student who drags it!


  1. Aidan G from Auburn says "That kid needs a break from the books...that's too many!"

  2. Aidan, I am so glad you are following the blog! I agree that the children here surely need a break from carrying all those books. They also wear uniforms to school. Aidan, would you like or dislike wearing a uniform to school? Tell me your thoughts. I am sure everyone would love to hear what an American first grader thinks about this....

  3. Matthew B, 3rd grade Pakachoag School in Auburn has been reading your blog and had lots of questions about the weather, the kind of sports that the kids play at recess and if the children have computers...

  4. Hi, Matt B! Moylan here! I am in San Francisco making my way back to Massachusetts. I have been without internet for a while but finally I am back on. The weather is HOT HOT HOT. It was between 90 and 100 degrees each day! The children run around at recess. Most kids in the Philippines love to play basketball! Some schools that I visited had computer labs and some didn't even have running water yet so each school is very different depending on the location and whether it is private or public. Matt, thanks for keepin up on the blog! I will be seeing you soon! I have so many stories to tell! Hug Coll and Howard for me.
